This is Kink Punx. We’re radical sex educators who aim to provide holistic, ethical, kink aware, pleasure-focused sex ed for trans masculine and adjacent people. We want to have the conversations you might want to have about trauma-informed kink and other hot topics. We’re here to support queer community in building confidence, and honoring ourselves and each other.

Wednesday Jan 24, 2024
#02 Live from Transferno: All about Play Parties
Wednesday Jan 24, 2024
Wednesday Jan 24, 2024
Kink Punx recorded live on May 20, 2023 at Transferno, a queer sex party in Brooklyn, NY, centering trans men and trans masculine people. The party hosts and guests step up to the mic in this episode. In order of appearance: August, Santos, Kris, Oak, Miles, Pup Rexy, and Adam.
Tune in to hear all about the sex party space, concept, rules, and guidelines! We get into centering trans identities in traditionally cis sexual spaces, being seen and being friendly. We go in depth about sex party etiquette, how to cruise, and how hold our many and various desires. Hope you enjoy the show!

Monday Nov 27, 2023
Episode #01 Trans and Cis Gay Men
Monday Nov 27, 2023
Monday Nov 27, 2023
Welcome to episode 1 of Kink Punx! This episode is about our interactions with cis gay men.
Listen in to hear about
Our love of queer masculinity
The hot legacy of outlawed sex
Cis men's parts and pleasurable touch
Meeting on Apps and IRL
Communication and consent in cis gay spaces
You will also get to hear our take on
navigating dysphoria triggers
choosing when and how much to educate people
feeling confident
and getting what we want!
Thanks for tuning in, we hope you enjoy the conversation!

Saturday May 20, 2023
Episode #00 Good In Bed, Part 2
Saturday May 20, 2023
Saturday May 20, 2023
Join us to discuss great lovers of the future, decolonizing definitions of sex and the body, how to learn to be good in bed, masturbation, deep communication challenges, and more!
In this episode, Santos and I have a brief discussion of tantra in the context of masturbation. When later I was prompted by a kind friend and listener, I could hear the colonizer's perspective in my own voice in this recording. The last thing I want to do is perpetuate an appropriative relationship to these powerful and ancient teachings. Tantra originated as part of a spiritual movement in medieval India, taking up all kinds of taboos as potential pathways to enlightenment, including but certainly not limited to sexual rituals. What I was describing in this episode could more accurately be referred to as mindful masturbation. I am sorry for how I blundered through my description of tantra practice. Thank you for your patience with me, I am determined to do better going forward. -- August

Friday May 19, 2023
Episode #00 Good In Bed Part 1
Friday May 19, 2023
Friday May 19, 2023
What does it mean to be good in bed? Join us to discuss being good in bed, sex education and its inadequacies, misogyny, understanding what we know and don't know, tops, bottoms, sides, and more!

Saturday May 06, 2023

Saturday May 06, 2023

Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
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